Whether its calls, chats, or messages, you can contact your friends, family, and colleagues from this simple desktop. WeChat for Mac is the official WeChat desktop client for using this messaging app on your Mac. Same version of WeChat desktop app downloaded from same source is working fine on the similar laptops of my 2 of my colleagues (all 3 laptops are same model and same configuration and were bought together). Wechat Computer Download The App To use WeChat for Mac, you first need to download the app on your Android or iOS smartphone.
Call and video chat your friends for free directly on your computer without missing a beat. 0 Now available for download on your Mac desktop. This issue is only with wechat, so you may think there are some settings in WeChat. Introducing our latest WeChat for Mac update 2.1. It’s free, and pushes out any ads that other programs are flooded with. Like the mobile app, you can send voice messages and use a group chat. I am able to use to use video calling on Skype without any problem. Wechat For Mac 10.9.5 Wechat For Mac Computer Wechat For Mac Laptop WeChat for Mac lets you send files and images straight from your Mac to other people using the program on any device. I have been trying to look for the solution but no success. The very best free tools, apps and games. 12 years ago use someone elses computer and burn a cd.

This tab is ON and there is no WeChat underneath. Wechat For Windows 8 1 8 7 Download Wechat Pc Laptop from If youve ever been curious about tiktok or wechat, you only have a few more days to download them before the apps are removed from apples app store and google play for u.s. Go to WeChat official site and click on the Windows download or Mac download icon. WeChat offers desktop apps for both Windows and macOS.
However, If i go to Settings>Privacy>camera>Allow desktop apps to access your Microphone. The best and working option is to install WeChat desktop app on your computer. This tab is ON and I can see WeChat underneath. If i go to Settings>Privacy>Microphone>Allow desktop apps to access your Microphone.

Microphone is working fine on both mobile phone WeChat app and WeChat desktop app WeChat video calls work fine on my mobile device, however on my laptop WeChat app, I have the video icon and can click on the icon, the receiver is unable to see me.